125 Top DERMATOLOGY Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf

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1. Which of the following would be prescribed for acne?
A. Actiq
B. Actonel
C. Accu-Check
D. Accutane

Ans: D

2. An absence of pigment in the skin is called
A. acanthosis nigricans
B. albinism
C. melanism
D. xanthoderma

Ans: B

3. A burn which involves 2 layers of the skin and estroys the nerves and blood vessels, but does not go down to muscle or bone is a
A. first-degree burn
B. second-degree burn
C. third-degree burn
D. full-thickness burn

Ans: B

4. Death of tissue associated with loss of blood supply to the affected area is called
A. cellulitis
B. eczema
C. gangrene
D. psoriasis

Ans: C

5. An acute eruption of intensely itchy papules or wheals is called
A. acne vulgaris
B. pityriasis rosea
C. psoriasis
D. urticaria (hives.

Ans: D

6. Moles with the potential to develop into malignant melanoma are
A. intradermal nevi
B. dysplastic nevi
C. giant nevi
D. verrucae

Ans: B

7. The type of cyst contains yellowish sebum and is commonly found on the scalp, vulva, and scrotum.
A. papule
B. sebaceous cyst
C. ulcer
D. vesicle

Ans: B

8. Excessive hair on the face or body, especially in women, is called:
A. albinism
B. atrichia
C. alopecia
D. hirsutism

Ans: D

9. The half-moon shaped, white area located at the base of a fingernail is called the
A. basal layer
B. cuticle
C. lunula
D. stratum

Ans: C

10. An epidermal growth caused by a virus (wart. is called a
A. impetigo
B. melanoma
C. nevus
D. verruca

Ans: D

11. Yellowing of the skin is indicative of
A. hyperbillirubinemia
B. hyperuricemia
C. hyperkalemia
D. hyporeninemia

Ans: A

12. Which of the following is a combining form meaning skin?
A. adip/o
B. cutane/o
C. pachy/o
D. xanth/o

Ans: B

13. A chronic dermatitis of unknown etiology in patients with a history of allergy is called
A. actinic dermatitis
B. atopic dermatitis
C. stasis dermatitis
D. seborrheic dermatitis

Ans: B

14. The outermost layer of skin is the
A. dermis
B. endodermis
C. epidermis
D. hypodermis

Ans: C

15. Of the three layers of the skin, which is the thick, fat-containing layer?
A. dermis
B. epidermis
C. epithelium
D. subcutaneous tissue

Ans: D

16. The brown-black pigment of the skin that is transferred to other epidermal cells and gives the skin its color is called
A. albumin
B. collagen
C. keratin
D. melanin

Ans: D

17. Which of the following is transcribed correctly?
A. The patient was given metronidazole for rosacea and Lamisil for onychomycosis.
B. The patient was given metronidazole for roseola and Lamisil for onychomycosis.
C. The patient was given metronidazole for roseola and Lamisil for onychomycosis.
D. The patient was given metroprolol for rosacea and Lamisil for onychomycosis.

Ans: A

18. Apocrine glands produce
A. mucus
B. sebum
C. sweat
D. keratin

Ans: C

19. Which of the following infections is also known as ringworm?
A. folliculitis
B. herpes simplex
C. impetigo
D. tinea corporis

Ans: D

20. Another term for itching is
A. dermatitis
B. keratosis
C. petechiae
D. pruritus

Ans: D

21. The skin, hair, nails, and glands all make up this system of the body.
A. integumentary system
B. lymphatic system
C. musculoskeletal system
D. nervous system

Ans: A

22. Clotrimazole and nystatin are both
A. topical antifungals
B. anti-itch creams
C. topical antibiotics
D. used to treat eczema

Ans: A

23. Which skin neoplasm is associated with an increase in the growth of cells in the keratin layer of the epidermis caused by pressure or friction?
A. callus
B. keloid
C. keratosis
D. leukoplakia

Ans: A

24. In this condition, there is a scaly dermatitis affecting parts of the skin that are supplied by oil glands.
A. chronic dermatitis
B. contact dermatitis
C. eczema
D. seborrheic dermatitis

Ans: D

25. Which of the following is a fungal infection?
A. lichen planus
B. keratosis
C. suborrhea
D. tinea capitis

Ans: D

26. A groove or a crack-like sore is called a (an.
A. fissure
B. nodule
C. polyp
D. ulcer

Ans: A

27. Which of the following is transcribed correctly?
A. This 58-year-old woman had a biopsy proven melanoma. Clarks level 1, on the left cheek.
B. This 58-year-old woman had a biopsy-proven melanoma. Clark’s level 1, on the left cheek.
C. This 58-year-old woman had a biopsy proven melena. Clark level 1, on the left cheek
D. This 58-year-old woman had a biopsy-proven melanoma. Clark level 1, on the left cheek. (Correct
Ans: D

28. Follicular dilation involving the nose and portions of the cheeks, erythema, papules, and pustules are classic signs of this dermatologic disorder.
A. acne cosmetica
B. acne pustulosa
C. acne rosacea
D. acne vulgaris

Ans: C

29. A skin disorder most often caused by the herpes virus and consisting of red lesions that look like targets is
A. candidiasis
B. erythema multiforme
C. hirsutism
D. keratosis pilaris

Ans: B

30. The vascular layer of skin is the
A. dermis
B. epidermis
C. stratum corneum unguis
D. hypodermis

Ans: A

31. When scraping for demodex, it may be helpful to pinch the skin while you scrape.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

32. Impetigo is confined to the glabrous areas of a dog’s body
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

33. What is the growth phase of a hair follicle?
A. Anagen
B. Catagen
C. Growagen
D. Telogen
Ans: A

34. What is one way to distinguise ARF from FAD?
A. Excoriations
B. Papules
C. GI Signs
D. Scratching of muzzle

Ans: C

35. Atopy is curable
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

36. Animals with fur have what type of follicles?
A. Simple
B. Intermediate
C. Compound
D. Fuzzy

Ans: C

37. When is a dog “cured” of demodex?
A. Disease free for 1 year
B. After 2 negative scrapes
C. Never
D. After 1 negative scrape

Ans: A

38. Dermatophilosis is zoonotic
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

39. Accral lick dermatitis can be a behavioral problem
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

40. Superficial pyoderma is a secondary disease process.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

41. Eosinophillic Granuloma Complex is a disease in and of itself.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

42. FAD is what type of reaction?
A. Type I (Missed.
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV (Missed.

Ans: A,D

43. All in contact dogs should be treated in a scabies case.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

44. Canine FAD lesions are usually found on the rump, feline are on the head.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

45. Failure to treat localized demedocosis will cause the dog to develop generalized demedocsis later on.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

46. What is the resting phase of a hair follicle?
A. Anagen
B. Catagen
C. Relaxagen
D. Telogen

Ans: D

47. Notoedres can only infect cats
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

48. Wetting an area down with alchohol before plucking hairs for culture will decrease inaccurate tests.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

49. What is the signalment for pemphigus foliaceus?
A. Any age
B. Elderly animals
C. Very young puppies
D. Young to middle aged adults

Ans: D

50. Otitis externa is very common in dogs with scabies.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

51. Juvenile Cellulitis can appear in days
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

52. Age of onsent for puppy pyoderma
A. 2-9 Months
B. 3-6 months
C. 6 months- 1 year
D. 8 weeks-6 months

Ans: A

53. What is the transition phase of a hair follicle?
A. Telogen
B. Catagen
C. Zenagen
D. Anagen

Ans: B

54. In atopy, the allergens are absorbed via the skin
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

55. Puppies grow out of their puppy coats
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

56. When culturing a pustule, the area must first be cleaned
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

57. Juvenile Cellulitis in dogs usually affects what part of the body
A. Face
B. Glabrous areas
C. Body wide
D. Axilla

Ans: A

58. What is the signalment for juvenile cellulitis
A. 6 month
B. 1 year
C. 3-16 week old puppies
D. 8-12 weeks

Ans: C

59. Demodex mites live where?
A. Stratum Corneum
B. All skin layers
C. In the follicle
D. On the hair shaft

Ans: C

60. FAD and insect hypersensitivity in horses are both similar not only in their presentation, but also in their “cure”.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
DERMATOLOGY Objective type Questions and Answers ::

61. Demodectic mange is pruritic
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

62. It is necessary to clean the environment to eliminate ringworm
A. True
B. False
Ans: A

63. Which AB is responsible for atopy?
A. IgA
B. IgE
C. IgG
D. IgW

Ans: B

64. If not pruritic, linear granulomas should be treated how
A. Prednisone
B. Prednisolone
C. Scientific Neglect
D. Cyclosporin

Ans: C

65. Where are scabies mites found?
A. Hair Follicles
B. Stratum Corneum
C. Sub-epidermal
D. Throughout the skin layers

Ans: B

66 Surface irritation and inflammation caused by frictional trauma of skin on skin
A. Skin Fold Dermatitis
B. Furunculosis
C. Alopecia
D. Vesicle

Ans: A

67. Small elevation of skin containing purulent material
A. Papule
B. Pustule
C. Vesicle
D. Cyst

Ans: B

68. An erosion exposes the dermis underneath
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

69. An ulcer is:
A. Shallow Epidermal defect
B. Break in epidermis with exposure of dermis
C. Not good for coffee drinkers
D. A primary problem

Ans: B

70. Alopecia is:
A. Full or partial hair loss
B. Difficult for men to deal with
C. Only full hair loss
D. Never where you want it to be

Ans: A

71. Pyotraumatic Dermatitis is also known as a “hot spot”
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

72. Excessive scaling is:
A. Gross
B. Seborrhea
C. Dandruff
D. Epidermal Collarette

Ans: B

73. A vesicle is a sharply circumscribed lesion containing fluid
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

74. What is another term for intertrigo?
A. Furunculosis
B. Pyotraumatic Dermatitis
C. Skin Fold Dermatitis

Ans: C

75. Circumscribed, developmental skin defect
A. Nevus
B. Macule
C. Papule
D. Pustule

Ans: A

76. Scale is an accumulation of fragments of stratum corneum
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

77. Inflammation secondary to rupture of a hair follicle
A. Furunculosis
B. Pustule
C. Vesicle
D. Plaque

Ans: A

78. Remnants of a pustule, vesicle, or bulla can be
A. Epidermal Collarette
B. Scale
C. Plaque
D. Cyst

Ans: A

79. Circumscribed lesion that is raised and consists of edema is urticaria
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

80. What is a bulla?
A. Taunted by a bulla fighta
B. A large vesicle
C. Hives
D. A large cyst

Ans: B

81. A comedone is a primary problem only
A. True
B. False

Ans: B

82. Actinic means related to chemically active rays of the electromagnetic spectrum.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

83. Accumulation of keratin and follicular material that adheres to hair shaft
A. Impetigo
B. Scales
C. Follicular Cast

Ans: C

84. Thickening of the epidermis and/or dermis
A. Callus
B. Lichenification
C. Scaling
D. Lacking in sensitive people

Ans: B

85. Circumscribed, non-palpable area characterized by color change
A. Patch
B. Papule
C. Macule

Ans: C

86. A patch is a large macule
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

87. “Scratch” is a lay term for excoriation
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

88. Dilated hair follicle containing cornified cells and debris
A. Comedone
B. Pustule
C. Furunculosis

Ans: A

89. A cicatrix is:
A. benign
B. a lesion
C. a scar

Ans: C

90. A cyst is a closed sack of pouch under the skin.
A. true
B. false

Ans: A

91. Ecchymosis means:
A. A condition of the ear
B. Skin discoloration
C. Excessive sweating

Ans: B

92. Eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

93. Erythema:
A. blood condition
B. red
C. lack of pigmentation

Ans: B

94. Gangrene is necrosis (dead. tissue due to decomposition.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

95. Herpes is:
A. An S.T.D.
B. a cold sore or fever blister
C. an invasion of pyogenic bacterium

Ans: B

96. Herpes Zoster is most commonly known as:
A. shingles
B. an enlarged fever blister
C. blue colored skin

Ans: A

97. Cyanoderma means:
A. red skin
B. blue skin
C. yellow skin

Ans: B

98. Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

99. Kaposi’s Sarcoma is a cancer associated with:
A. Smokers
B. A.I.D.S.
C. Sun exposure

Ans: B

100. A Laceration is:
A. a pathological change in tissue
B. torn skin
C. laser treatment for skin disease.

Ans: B

101. Metastasis means to:
A. spread infection from one person to another
B. move or spread through the blood stream or lymph nodes
C. abnormal breast condition

Ans: B

102. Benign means non-cancerous.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

103. A 1st degree burn is:
A. the most severe type of burn
B. superficial burn injuring the top layer of skin
C. the first time the patient has been burned.

Ans: B

104. ___________ means itching caused by dry skin, parasitic infection or disease.
A. Scabies
B. Herpes Zoster
C. Pruritis

Ans: C

105. Tinea ________ means ring worm, athlete’s foot.
A. purpura
B. impetigo
C. corporis

Ans: C

106. Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by parasitic mites.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

107. Pediculosis means:
A. Inflammatory condition of the skin.
B. Infestation with lice
C. Irritated and peeling feet.

Ans: B

108. Petechiae is a small _____________ spot on the skin.
A. hemorragic
B. raised
C. discolored

Ans: A

109. Urticaria means:
A. allergic reaction of the skin
B. thickened skin
C. dead tissue

Ans: A

110. SLE stands for_________________ and is an autoimmune disease.
A. squamous laceration ecchymosis
B. systemic lupus erythematosus
C. septic lymphodic edema

Ans: B

111. Similar to a vescle but larger usually more than 5mm in diameter, consisting of clear fluid accumulated within or below the epidermis.
A. Vesicle
B. Pustule
C. Bulla
D. Cyst

Ans: C

112. Dried exudate on the surface of the skin.
A. Plaque
B. Crust
C. Scale

Ans: B

113. A localised area of colour or textural change in the skin
A. Macule
B. Ecchymosis
C. Freckle

Ans: A

114. Alopecia is the absence of hair?
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

115. Atrophic skin is thin, translucent and wrinkled with easily visable blood vessels
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

116. An acute abcess formation in adjacent hair follicles.
A. Carbuncle
B. Furuncle
C. Folliculitis

Ans: B

117. A compressible papule or plaque of dermal oedema, red or white in colour.
A. Urticaria (Missed.
B. Erythema
C. Wheal (Missed.
D. Purpura

Ans: A,C

118. A pustule is a visible collection of pus in a blister. Pustules can be seen in psoriasis
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

119. A purulent inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
A. Erythema
B. Ecchymosis
C. Cellulitis

Ans: C

120. A small solid elevation of the skin, generally defined as less than 5mm, maybe flat or domeshaped.
A. Nodule
B. Papule
C. Macule

Ans: B

121. Irritants cause more contact dermatitis than allergens do?
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

122. Contact dermatitis, which of the following are common irritants?
A. Water (Missed.
B. temperature extremes (Missed.
C. Frictional abrasives (Missed.
D. Nickel

Ans: D

123. Atopic eczema induces lichenification
A. True
B. False

Ans: A

124. Treatments used to treat Atopic eczema
A. Emollients (Missed.
B. Antihistamines (Missed.
C. Hot baths
D. Topical steroids (Missed.
E. Antibiotics (Missed.
F. Wear wool clothing

Ans: C

125. Types of Eczema
A. Discoid eczema (Missed.
B. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (Missed.
C. Venous eczema (Missed.
D. Arthiritic dermatitis
E. Lichen simplex chronicus (Missed.
F. Lichen striatus (Missed.

Ans: D

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